Saturday, July 5, 2008

2008 EPI Ranking

Environment Performance Index jointly produced by Yale Center for Law & Environmental Policy and Columbia Center For International Earth Science Information Network, aimed to be a comprehensive assessment of the world environment challenges and how individual countries are responding to them. The EPI ranks 149 countries based on their performance within six policy categories: environmental health, air quality, water resources, biodiversity and habitat, productive natural resources (e.g., farmland, forests, fisheries) and sustainable energy . Each category is, in turn, measured by two to five indicators, or data sets. Each indicator measures the distance a country is from an established policy target, based on goals set by treaties, by international organizations or simply by the best available science (e.g., by definition, the optimum target for sustainable energy is 100 percent, and that for childhood mortality due to environmental factors is 0). On some issues,like adequate drinking water supplies, most countries are close to the target; on other issues, like sustainable energy, most are far from it. Malaysia was rank at 26th place overall and become first among OIC nations.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canary in a tux? Penguin woes signal problems

A penguin covered in oil rests in a center run by the
SOS Marine Life Rescue in Piriapolis, Uruguay, on
June 11.A collision between ships had caused a oil
spill that killed at least a dozen penguins.
MSNBC staff and news service reports
updated 9:08 p.m. PT, Mon., June. 30, 2008

WASHINGTON - The dwindling march of the penguins is signaling that the world's oceans are in trouble, scientists now say.
Penguins may be the tuxedo-clad version of a canary in the coal mine, with generally ailing populations from a combination of global warming, ocean oil pollution, depleted fisheries, and tourism and development, according to a new scientific review paper.
A University of Washington biologist detailed specific problems around the world with remote penguin populations, linking their decline to the overall health of southern oceans.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ikan Air Tawar


FAMILI : Anabantidae
NAMA SAINTIFIK: Anabas testudineus
NAMA BIASA : Climbing perch

Biasanya dijumpai kolam sawah tasik dan taliar yang padat dengan tumbuhan. Mempunyai julat tolenransi yang tinggi terhadap perubahan persekitaran menyebabkannya tersebar meluas diseluruh semenanjung. Dapat hidup di dalam lumpur sepanjang musim kemarau. Memakan tumbuhan, anak ikan dan udang.


FAMILI : Anabantidae
NAMA SAINTIFIK: Osphronemus goramy
NAMA BIASA :Giant gouramy

Biasa ditemui ditepi tebing sungai yang berumput. Sejenis herbivore, biasanya ditangkap untuk dimakan atau dipelihara.


FAMILI : Cyprinidae
NAMA SAINTIFIK: Hampala macrolepidota
NAMA BIASA : Hampala barb

Dijumpai didalam sungai yang mengalir bersih dan kurang tercemar dengan air yang agak jernih. Spesis berhijrah yang bersifat karnivor. Biasanya memakan serangga dan ikan kecil. Mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggig agak jenihtercdurang tercdemaremarauekitara menyebabkannya tersebar meluas diseluruh semenanjung


FAMILI : Cyprinidae
NAMA SAINTIFIK: Barbonymus schwanenfeldii/Puntius schwanenfeldii
NAMA BIASA : Tinfoil Barb

Dijumpai dengan mudah di sungai-sungai, terusan dan tali air. Memakan tumbuhan, lumut dan kadangkala serangga dan cacing. Terdapat dijual segar di pasar